When can you help?

Nothing feels better than helping.

But sometimes it is better not to help. After all, your help could also make things worse. Then you help out, only to sigh afterwards:

“I just wanted to help.”

If you – like me – are someone who likes to help, it is important to estimate as accurately as possible whether your help has a chance of success. So I made a handy tool. It is a decision tree with six questions. When you feel the need to help, you can infer whether you can help. And you immediately see what kind of help you can offer.

I am happy to help you with it.


You can help quite often, as long as you face the role in which you are going to help. Only if the other person (really) does not feel a problem, there is nothing you can do to help.

Annemarie Mars, December 2020

Photocredits:“Colorful Parrots Couple” by ^riza^ is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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